Hello my friends!! Today is my birthday!!! First I want to say thanks so much for your comments on my blog candy, I know I am not the most popular blog in blogland, but thank you for all your support and your kind comments to me.
Before I will announce the winner I want to say I am feeling better, I have talked to my sisters and that made me feel a lot better. On the other hand, my asthma was really bad this weekend, that's why I didn't post anything, I wasn't feeling well enough to create.
I made my own cake, this is super delicious!!! I got the recipe from Alice Golden blog
"Golden Moments"My wonderful husband is working today, so he decided we had to celebrate my Birthday last Saturday, we went out to Olive Garden for dinner, I enjoyed the food really much!!! LOL. Then we went shopping, :) and then home.
He gave me my birthday present on Saturday, why??? because he didn't want to wait , LOL. He bought me a "Cuttlebug" !!!!! and 2 embossing folders, I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling. Rebecca used her money from her piggy bang (pink just in case you wonder) and she bought me a new embossing gun, isn't she sweet???
Also I want to share with you some birthday card I have received from you ladies, you really made my day very special, thanks so much!!!!
Susan Trask owner of smARTworks sent me this pretty card and also some pretty stamps to play with. Thanks Susan!!!!!
Dori Shelton (rtjmom) from the Wish Rak group sent me this pretty card.

Cathy Alstott (Lexant) from the Wish RAK group sent me this adorable card!!!
Leslie sent me this pretty card and also a Brass Stencil Set!!! Thanks so much Leslie, you are such a great person and friend!!!!
Now the winner!!!! First thank so much for giving such a great number, LOL. Tamara, were you teasing when you guessed 21?!! LOL. Leslie was the only who was right, but Thanks so much for all the great numbers!!!! I am turning
36 today!!!!!
Now the winner is:
seamom, she wrote:
seamom said...
Hola Giovana. Feliz cumpleanos!How old will you be? I am going to guess 32. (But I really think you are younger than that...)Blessings,seamom Hey Mary, send me your address and I will send your prize right away.
Thanks so much!!!
Have a wonderful day.