
Monday, November 7

Cards Drive for Kids Winners!!!

Hello !!! Sorry I didn't post the winners yesterday, after having a great time at a Holiday Bazaar last Saturday, meeting new people and having fun, I caught a bug and I am congested and also being feeling really tired.

But today I am feeling better and I have the names of the lucky winners!!!

Winner of the Big Prize, value more than $500.00 is.............................

Karen Shirey!!!!!!

Winner of Tombow goodies is...................................

Robin Logue!!!!!!

Thanks so much to all of you who sent cards for the kids!! Each box is full with wonderful cards. I know all the kids and their families are going to love your creations!

Thanks so much again.
God bless.


  1. Lucky ladies! Glad you are feeling better!

  2. Congrats ladies!!! So very exciting and enjoy your goodies :)

  3. Congrats to the winners! I feel *like* a winner just for having participated in this wonderful campaign! Thanks so much!

  4. Congratulations to your lucky ladies! Thank you, Giovana for all your work.

  5. Just got the box of Tombow goodies. Completely surprized. Thanks so much and congrats to Karen. I was so happy to do this and did not expect anything in return. And I had forgotten about the drawing too. Hope the kids got lots of cards. And thanks to Giovana for the chance to paticipate. XOXO Robin
