
Wednesday, May 6

Born Again

Sometimes don't you feel in your heart you should do and share something with others? Last weekend I would say I had a great time, I went to a Ladies retreat for the first time and I feel so blessed I did. I got renewed not only as a woman, wife and mom, but also in my relationship with the Lord. Sometimes we are so busy that we leave our devotionals and time with our Creator as our last thing to do, I am learning and changing things in my life and giving God the priority.
After I came back from the Retreat I got sick, I would say I experienceda really bad pain, never experienced before, that slowed me down for a couple of days, but thanks GOD I am feeling better today.
While I was checking my blog today I was listening my music and I heard "Born Again" and my heart cried. I am a very "cry person", so you know what happened then. I listened that song 4 times in a row. I just want to enjoy every day the love that my Lord is giving me every day the same day I become a Christian. I have been a Christian for almost 20 years, I have had ups and downs, but I knew always the Lord was there for me.
The Lord doesn't care where you are from or what language you speak, He really CARES for you without complains, do you care for HIM? do you show others just with your actions that God lives in you? Hard right?
I don't know why I am saying all this, I just felt that in my heart and I wanted it to share with you. I hope you can read it and enjoy the video.
God bless you

PS: Stop the music at the bottom so you can enjoy the video.


  1. Bless you to Giovanna. What a lovely video, and beautiful music. I'm so happy that you've been blessed so richly! Have a good night.

  2. What a beautiful post, Giovanna. Blessings to you!
    Hugs, Michelle
    (Romans 8:28)
