
Sunday, January 18

Today is my Blogoversary!!!!!

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. I am very happy because today is my Blogoversary!!! I can't believe a year ago I started this blog witht he intention only to post my creations and show them to my husband, LOL. Thanks to all my followers and everybody who stops here leaving me a comment or not :) I would love to hear from all my visitors, so now it's your chance :)
I will be back with some blog candy to express my Thanks to all of you.
DD is sick, not fun, but today she is looking a little bit better, we decided to stay home and not go to church, we don't want to pass the bug to other kids, I am feeling a little bit stuffy, yikes, I hope I don't get that from her.

God bless you all.


  1. Congrats Giovana!!!I love your blog! I visit everyday! Thanks for sharing your creations!Keep it up and I cant wait to see what you do in the next year!

  2. Happy Blogaversary! I visit you every day, and will continue to, too! Hope Rebecca is feeling better!


  3. Hi- its me again...LOL...check out my blog... I have some love there for you!


  4. Congratulations on celebrating one year of blogging!!

  5. Happy Blogaversary Miss Giovana! I sure do hope you and your DD are feeling better. Being sick is no way to celebrate your anniversary! Thank you for being online all this time sharing your creations and your life with us. You are such a blessing to me. I have an award for you on my site.
    your friend, Leslie
