
Sunday, October 5

And the winner is....

Marie!!!!! Thanks so much to all of you for participating. I wish I could have a prize for all of you. I really appreciate you kind words, I hope you come back. Stay tuned, next month it's my birthday and I will have another Blog Candy .
My daughter chose the winner from all the names I put in the basket, she always is so creative and funny that this time she decided to cover her eyes and show the winner's name this way.
Marie, please send me you address at so I can send you your prize!!!


  1. Wow! Thanks so much, Giovana! And thanks to your daughter for picking me! What an adorable pic.

  2. Hi Giovana, congrats to Marie, how lucky to get all of your goodies! I can't wait to see what you come up with for your birthday!
    Have a great day, Leslie
